privacy policy

 Yes, you're probably required to have a Privacy Policy for your Android app.

Google isn't quite as strict as Apple when it comes to having a Privacy Policy. There's no blanket rule that every Android app requires a Privacy Policy. Instead, Google states that your app requires a Privacy Policy if you collect "personal and sensitive information."

Google Developer Policy Center: Personal and Sensitive Information Privacy Policy requirement excerpt

Notice that Google's definition of personal and sensitive information is very broad. It includes "personally identifiable information," which is another way of saying "personal information."

So, if your Android app collects any kind of personal information, you need a Privacy Policy. This might include a name, username, or email address.

Google adds that you also need a Privacy Policy if you collect:

Payment information

Authentication information

Contacts, call or SMS information

Microphone or camera data

Device or app usage data

If you're taking payments, running analytics, or accessing certain device permissions on your Android app, you need a Privacy Policy.

Google has specific requirements about what you must include in your Privacy Policy. There's a step-by-step guide on how to create an Android Privacy Policy below. We also take a detailed look at this topic in our article Privacy Policy for Android Apps.

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